Energy Efficiency

Reduce energy consumption to reduce costs and comply with evolving environmental regulations
Reduce energy consumption to reduce costs and comply with evolving environmental regulations


Reduce energy consumption to reduce costs and comply with evolving environmental regulations

The cost of energy can fluctuate significantly, impacting the overall operating costs of a mining operation. Mines in remote locations may also have limited access to reliable and affordable energy sources, making this operating cost one that cannot be squandered. Mining is an enormous consumer of energy, particularly those sites where crushing, grinding, milling and conveying take place. Reducing energy intensity without compromising production efficiency is a delicate balance.

ESG regulations, emissions limits, and the shift to renewable energy are leading to these sources being increasingly expensive. Transitioning to cleaner and more sustainable energy sources, such as renewables, can be challenging and costly initially, but can be done gradually to reduce the impact on a mining company’s bottom line.

However, with many new technologies emerging such as energy management systems (EMS) and real-time monitoring solutions, controlling energy consumption across mining operations is increasingly achievable. By introducing these technologies in a feasible and cost-efficient way, companies can reap the many benefits of these solutions to reduce their energy costs and overall emissions.

Key Client Challenges:

  1. Which energy-efficient technologies should we prioritize for our specific mine site and processes?
  2. How can we improve the efficiency of our mining equipment and vehicles to reduce fuel consumption?
  3. What are the best practices for monitoring and managing energy consumption in real-time across our mining operations?
  4. Are there opportunities to recover and utilize waste heat generated during our mining processes?
  5. How can we optimize our mineral processing operations to minimize energy consumption and maximize recovery rates?
  6. What are the most effective strategies for integrating renewable energy sources into our mining operations?
  7. How do we assess the return on investment (ROI) for energy efficiency projects and justify the initial capital expenditure?
  8. Are there government incentives or grants available to support energy efficiency initiatives in the mining industry?
  9. How do we conduct a comprehensive life cycle assessment (LCA) of our mining operation to identify opportunities for energy efficiency improvements throughout the mine’s lifecycle?

As investors increasingly shift their attention towards ESG scores, mining companies face increasing pressure to reduce their carbon footprint. However, balancing profitability and sustainability is a complex challenge which requires careful mine design and planning to minimize energy consumption in a sustainable manner.

By adopting the use of emerging technologies such as EMS, developing a robust and gradual plan to shift towards renewable energy, and optimizing the layout of mines and processing facilities to minimize energy usage, mining companies can adapt to shifting regulations and investor demands.

Our experts at Unison Mining are experienced in helping our clients achieve their large-scale goals by developing the KPIs, systems, controls and processes needed for success at every organizational level. By integrating goals such as energy efficiency into every level of the organization and instilling behavior change using the necessary incentives, we hope to set up your teams for success with complete employee buy-in and full technology adoption.

Lacking data to validate or support key business decisions

Lack of knowledge to define a cohesive business or data strategy

Low speed to market and trouble adapting quickly to customer and market needs

High operational costs due to lengthy data processing times


Operational Goal Setting

Set defined and objective goals for each team and department to align expectations and assess performance.
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Root Cause Management

Diagnose underlying problems, errors, and deviations within your mining processes using root cause analysis.
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Energy Efficiency

Reduce energy consumption to comply with environmental regulations and reduce costs.
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Finance & Budgeting

Set up budgeting and cost controls to weather fluctuating commodity prices and operating costs.
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Real Time Controls

Monitor and oversee mining operations in real time by leveraging automation technology.
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Contracts & Contractor Management

Select and manage contract service providers with tactful negotiation and performance monitoring.
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Unit Cost Management

Control for costs associated with the delivery of a unit of a mineral or metal.
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Issue Escalation

Provide issue escalation systems to workers to allow timely resolutions and avoid disruptions to mining operations.
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RACI Project Management

Foster accountability at all levels by leveraging RACI project management
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Our mining experts have experienced first-hand the day-to-day complexities and issues that arise at the mining face, giving them a higher level of understanding and insight to meet your challenges.

Practical Solutions

By implementing level-appropriate transformation tools, our behavioral and cultural change methodologies, data management, and analytics, our goal is to create a sustainable and positive impact on your mining operations.


We go beyond strategy to offer a direct and measurable approach to success. Our commitment extends to delivering real business outcomes and helping your team sustain those changes for the long haul.

Optimize energy consumption for reduced operational costs.

Seize this opportunity before you leave!

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