Payload Improvements

Enhance your loading practices to maximize payload, reduce overloading, and reduce cycle times
Enhance your loading practices to maximize payload, reduce overloading, and reduce cycle times


Enhance your loading practices to maximize payload, reduce overloading, and reduce cycle times

The suboptimal payload capacity of trucks and loaders may limit the transport of a mine’s desired amounts of material – ultimately resulting in increased downtime, inflated operational costs, and reduced mine productivity.

While accurate measurement of payload weight is the key to monitoring and improving load and haul efficiency, factors such as dust, moisture, or variations in truck load distribution, must first be addressed. The proficiency of operators in handling load and haul equipment, variations in the ore body’s geology, density and weight, all impact payload management, and once optimized can result in significant savings for a mine.

It is critical to ensure existing investments in equipment and systems have been optimized before considering the additional expenditure or adopting new technologies. Balancing these investments with expected returns and project timelines can also be a challenging hurdle to cross for mining companies.

Key Client Challenges:

  1. How can we increase the payload capacity of our trucks and loaders without compromising safety and equipment integrity?
  2. How can we accurately measure and monitor payload weights to ensure consistent improvement?
  3. What technologies and data analytics solutions are available to identify improvement opportunities to enhance payload management efficiency in the load and haul process?
  4. What are the best practices for operator training and skill development to improve payload performance?
  5. How can we balance payload improvements with safety, environmental, and regulatory considerations?
  6. Are there any specific haul road design and maintenance practices that can optimize payload efficiency?

The proficiency of operators in handling load and haul equipment can significantly impact payload performance. Insufficient operator training or skill gaps may result in improper loading, inefficient hauling practices, and suboptimal payload utilization.

Meanwhile, with the vast amounts of data being collected by mining companies, the challenge today lies in effectively integrating and analyzing this data to identify opportunities for payload improvement and implementing targeted strategies.

Our Unison Mining experts can work with your team to identify ways to increase payload capacity for a more productive mine. By implementing the systems, technologies, processes and performance metrics needed to understand current load and haul performance, mines can operate at maximum efficiency while never compromising on safety.

Lacking data to validate or support key business decisions

Lack of knowledge to define a cohesive business or data strategy

Low speed to market and trouble adapting quickly to customer and market needs

High operational costs due to lengthy data processing times


Road Management

Design, maintain, and optimize haul roads to decrease transport time, reduce wear and tear on your fleet, extend truck lifespan, and cut maintenance costs.
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Cycle Time Management

Manage the load-haul-dump cycle to enhance your cycle management, reduce downtime, and cost per ton.
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Payload Improvement

Enhance your loading practices to maximize payload, reduce overloading, and cut down on cycle times.
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Delay Management

Anticipate and manage operational delays, keeping your production schedule on track.
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Queue Management

Implement queue management strategies to reduce wait times, allowing you to deploy your fleet when and where they're needed most.
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Fragmentation Strategy

Fine-tune your blasting strategies for better fragmentation, reduced downstream costs and increased shovel productivity.

Data & Analytics Strategy

Leverage data solutions to drive decision-making in your load and haul processes.

Dispatch Strategies

Streamline dispatch operations & processes to reap the full ROI of your systems

Dispatch Optimization

Streamline dispatch operations & processes to reap the full ROI of your systems
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Pit Conditions

Assess pit conditions accurately for effective mine planning.
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Pre-Spotting & Double-Sided Loading

Execute pre-spotting & double-sided loading techniques effectively for reduced haulage costs
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Our mining experts have experienced first-hand the day-to-day complexities and issues that arise at the mining face, giving them a higher level of understanding and insight to meet your challenges.

Practical Solutions

By implementing level-appropriate transformation tools, our behavioral and cultural change methodologies, data management, and analytics, our goal is to create a sustainable and positive impact on your mining operations.


We go beyond strategy to offer a direct and measurable approach to success. Our commitment extends to delivering real business outcomes and helping your team sustain those changes for the long haul.

Achieve optimal payload capacity for enhanced mine productivity.

Seize this opportunity before you leave!

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