Mining Sequence Optimization

Reduce stress concentration in surrounding rock and improve safety
Reduce stress concentration in surrounding rock and improve safety


Reduce stress concentration in surrounding rock and improve safety

Efficient sequence optimization requires careful planning for roads and ramps, shift starts, crew changes, drilling, blasting, loading, conveying, the management of stockpiles and blending opportunities to feed crushers, mills and leach operations. Plan adherence and spatial compliance is critical. Most mining companies are more focused on plan attainment than on plan adherence. Taking ore or waste out of sequence has enormous consequences. In some cases, deviating from planned locations makes going back later difficult or prohibitively expensive. Respecting the sequence of locations reduces the cost of unscheduled equipment moves and, ultimately, the size of fleets that must be deployed.

Effective communication and coordination between planning, operations, maintenance and warehousing must be a daily priority. Pit tours (Gemba Walks) are a power methodology for creating this level of alignment. What appears to make sense ‘on paper’ is often amended after leadership tours the areas to understand actual conditions versus anticipated conditions.

As safety on the mine site is paramount, those activities and durations must be considered and included in the mine plan and agreed by the planning, operating, and maintenance leaders.

Key Client Challenges:

  1. How can we optimize drilling and blasting sequences to improve our mining efficiency and reduce operational costs?
  2. What tools and software are available for conducting drilling and blasting sequence optimization, and which one is the best fit for our specific mining operation?
  3. Are there any regulatory or environmental constraints that we need to consider when optimizing drilling and blasting sequences?
  4. What are the key performance indicators (KPIs) we should track to measure the success of our sequence optimization efforts?
  5. What training and skill development programs should we invest in to ensure our personnel are proficient in sequence optimization techniques and technologies?

By capitalizing on these opportunities, mining companies can not only improve the efficiency of their drilling and blasting operations and mining sequences but also reduce costs, enhance safety, and minimize their environmental footprint, ultimately contributing to more sustainable and profitable mining practices.

Lacking data to validate or support key business decisions

Lack of knowledge to define a cohesive business or data strategy

Low speed to market and trouble adapting quickly to customer and market needs

High operational costs due to lengthy data processing times


Cycle Time Optimization

Reduce equipment downtime and keep your site running optimally
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Mining Sequence Optimization

Reduce stress concentration in surrounding rock, prevent underground debris flow, and improve safety
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Pattern Compliance

Assess drill pattern compliance more effectively through accurate monitoring and assessment
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Fragmentation Strategy

Maintain optimal material fragmentation
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Cost Per Ton Blasted

Reduce blasting costs with accurate estimations and planning
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Our mining experts have experienced first-hand the day-to-day complexities and issues that arise at the mining face, giving them a higher level of understanding and insight to meet your challenges.

Practical Solutions

By implementing level-appropriate transformation tools, our behavioral and cultural change methodologies, data management, and analytics, our goal is to create a sustainable and positive impact on your mining operations.


We go beyond strategy to offer a direct and measurable approach to success. Our commitment extends to delivering real business outcomes and helping your team sustain those changes for the long haul.

Streamline mining sequences for a boost in mine productivity.

Seize this opportunity before you leave!

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